Online Help

Creating a new user

There are three ways in which you can create a new user:

  1. Manually
  2. Copy an existing user
  3. From a template

Creating a new user manually

  1. Navigate to an Active Directory location where the new user will be
  2. Right-click anywhere in the list of users and select 'New User'
  3. Enter the details for the new user
  4. Click 'OK' when finished

Creating a new user from another user

  1. Navigate to an Active Directory location where the existing user is
  2. Right-click the existing user and select 'Copy'
  3. In the 'Copy User' box enter the destination of the new user
  4. Enter a new display name
  5. Enter a new username
  6. Enter a new first name
  7. Enter a new last name
  8. You will then be asked if you would like to set the password of the new user. Select 'Yes' if you would like to.

Creating a new user from a template

  1. Navigate to an Active Directory location where the new user will be
  2. Click the 'New User from Template' button on the toolbar
  3. Select the template for the new user
  4. Enter the user's first name
  5. Enter the user's last name
  6. Enter the user's initials
  7. Enter the user's DOB (for password). This can be left blank if not using DOB for their password.
  8. Enter any other settings which may have been set in the template.
  9. Click 'OK' to create the user using the settings in the selected template.